Administrative time


Texas Tonie


What is the best way to record vacation and sick time in Project Server -
should we be building a project for these items specifically, use time sheets
just for these items or is there a 3rd way to capture this information easily.

A plodding Texas Tonie

José Miguel Piñeres


Welcome to this Microsoft Project Server newsgroup.

Usually, organizations will use timesheets to record administrative,
vacation and sick time. These kinds of time are considered non-project time.
But, there are also other reasons for using timesheets.

I suggest you read the information provided on the following link:

I hope this was helpful to you. Please, let us know how you get along with it.

Best Regards,

Dale Howard [MVP]

Texas Tonie --

You are not plodding, silly! :) I would strongly recommend that your
organization use the Plan Administrative Time feature on the My Timesheets
page for one huge reason. When a user submits planned nonworking time, such
as Vacation or Sick Leave, and when the user's functional manager approves
it, the system automatically adds the nonworking time to the user's personal
calendar in the Enterprise Resource Pool. This means that all project work
assigned to that user during the nonworking time period will be
automatically RESCHEDULED to the next available time period when the user's
PM opens the relevant project. This is a huge leap forward over the
functionality found in previous versions of the software.

Keep in mind that if you want to use the Plan Administrative Time feature,
then this means your organization will need to use the My Timesheet
functionality in at least a very minimal way. Also, if you are going to use
the Plan Administrative Time feature, you will need to edit each user from
the Resource Center page and specify a Timesheet Manager for him/her. The
Timesheet Manager is the person who will approve or reject the planned
nonworking time. Hope this helps.

Texas Tonie

Ok thanks. 2 more questions -
how do I enable time sheet use in PWA and where do the time sheets appear on
the quicklaunch?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Texas Tonie --

1. You do not need to enable the Timesheet functionality, as the system
enables this by default. What you DO need to do, however, is to set up
Timesheet Periods, probably on a weekly basis at least a year into the
future. Keep in mind, however, that if you are not using the full
functionality of the Timesheet feature, your users will continually see
reminders on the Home page of PWA of how many overdue Timesheets they have
to submit. Tell them to ignore the messages.

2. No, that would be no help at all. Sorry.

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