ADO connection error


John T Ingato

I am attempting my first attempt to connect to an Access database using ADO.
When I try to open the connection I get a run-time error -2147467259
(80004005) Could not find installable ISAM.

what the heck does this mean?
I have a book Excel 2003 VBA and followed the code to the T. Am I missin

Sub init()

Dim Connection As ADODB.Connection
Set Connection = New ADODB.Connection
Connection.ConnectionString = ConnectionString

MsgBox Connection.State = ObjectStateEnum.adStateOpen

End Sub


There is probably something wrong with the connection string. Insert a line
before Connection.Open (Assuming the this is the line that is raising the

Debug.Print Connection.ConnectionString

Then examine the ConnectionString that is printed - see if you can find a
problem with it. Let the newsgroup know and someone may be able to help.

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