say I have two tables, BigOrders and SmallOrders, and I do
a query:
FROM BigOrders bo
INNER JOIN SmallOrders so ON bo.customer_id =
This query is executed via an ADO Command. Both tables
have a field called 'date_added', but I want to refer
explicitly to the 'date_added' field from the Small Orders
using ordinary Recordset syntax:
debug.print rst!date_added
ADO seems to pick whichever one it wants. How can I
explicitly refer to the SmallOrders 'date_added' field
without giving it an alias ? ie I want to be able to do
this in principle, but ADO won't let me:
debug.print rst!so.date_added
PS Sorry for posting this ADO question in this group, but
I am pulling the data back to a form !
say I have two tables, BigOrders and SmallOrders, and I do
a query:
FROM BigOrders bo
INNER JOIN SmallOrders so ON bo.customer_id =
This query is executed via an ADO Command. Both tables
have a field called 'date_added', but I want to refer
explicitly to the 'date_added' field from the Small Orders
using ordinary Recordset syntax:
debug.print rst!date_added
ADO seems to pick whichever one it wants. How can I
explicitly refer to the SmallOrders 'date_added' field
without giving it an alias ? ie I want to be able to do
this in principle, but ADO won't let me:
debug.print rst!so.date_added
PS Sorry for posting this ADO question in this group, but
I am pulling the data back to a form !