
It seems that the MS position is to now use ADO for new
software development.

I just now recently started working with Access so don't
have an opinion either way, but I've gotten the impression
that most veteran developers prefer DAO.

So I guess, is it worth it to learn DAO since MS is trying
to phase it out, or just go with ADO?

Roger Carlson

Opinions differ. As a long time DAO user, I continue to use it because I
continue to be productive with it. If I were just starting out, I would
probably concentrate on ADO.

It is generally conceded that DAO is superior in an All-Access environment,
that is if you have both an Access Front-End and Back-End. I understand
that DAO is 5 times faster in an all-Access environment than ADO, but I've
never tested it myself.

It is also genereally agreed that ADO is superior if you are hitting a
different data source like SQL Server or Oracle. You avoid all issues with
setting up ODBC drivers for each workstation.

Somethings are more difficult to do in ADO than DAO. At least I find it so,
but that may be because of my DAO mindset. Somethings can ONLY be done in
DAO, like the RecordSetClone object of forms and reports. And since ADO
uses different wildcards that Access, you will need to translate some
queries created in the Query Builder. Also, if you are using Access
Security, ADO does not fully implement it. You will need DAO for some

Larry Linson

. . .
It is also genereally agreed that ADO is
superior if you are hitting a different data
source like SQL Server or Oracle. You
avoid all issues with setting up ODBC
drivers for each workstation.

Actually, the most recent "best practice for client-server" advice from
knowledgeable insiders at Microsoft is that MDB/MDE-Jet-ODBC-server is, in
fact, preferrable to ADP/ADE-ADODB-server, in all cases, or at least in the
vast majority of cases.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

Roger Carlson

Really? That rather flies in the face of Microsoft's "ADO-everywhere"
policy, doesn't it? Is this something that they openly admit or is it
something they say behind their hands when the boss's back is turned.

I'm not disputing it, but do you have any documentation to that effect?

Douglas J. Steele

Given that ADO has already been supplanted by ADO.Net, which is not the same
thing, I don't think there really is an "ADO-everywhere" policy...

If memory serves, this is consistent with presentations made at the last
TechEd. We've asked the Access design team to put something out to which we
can point.

Roger Carlson

I'd be extremely interested in this when it becomes available. How can I
find out about it?

Douglas J. Steele

The question comes up often enough that someone's sure to post the details
once we get them. Unfortunately, our MVP lead just got out of the hospital,
and I don't think she's back in the office yet.

If I think of it, I'll try to remember to flip you a note when I hear

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