Adobe 6 Kills My Menu!



Adobe 6 is killing my custom menu. The following described behavior
only occurs on PCs loaded with Adobe 6, with the MS Word Adobe
template active. If I deactivate the Adobe 6 plug-in for Word, the
problem goes away. However, that's not the optimal solution. :)

When I call up a new document based on the custom template, my custom
menu bar gets displayed as the rightmost menu item. However, once I
click "OK" from the start-up dialog box, the custom menu goes away. If
I right-click the menu bar and click "Customize...," then close it
without doing anything, the custom menu reappears. If I then press
<CTRL+N> and create a new document, then switch back to my custom
template document, the custom menu is there but disappears

What is Adobe doing that is killing my menu? How can I stop this
insane behavior?


Jonathan West

Hi Seeker,

Yes, I've experienced this as well. The PDFMaker add in from Adobe Acrobat
is a very rude application.

The way I have worked roud this for my own add-ins is to include an AutoExec
macro. AutoExec runs automatically when an add-in is loaded. In the AutoExec
macro, write some code that makes sure that your custome menu is made

Lars-Eric Gisslén


We have also faced this problem. Delete every *.dot file in the
*\Office\Startup folder that belongs to Adobe. Then there should be no
problems with your own menues.


Jonathan West said:
Hi Seeker,

Yes, I've experienced this as well. The PDFMaker add in from Adobe Acrobat
is a very rude application.

Yeah, I did a check at Adobe's site and it seems a LOT of developers
(and endusers, I guess :) ) are having problems with this latest
incarnation. From what I gleened at their site, an update to 6.0.1
might fix it. I'm downloading that patch now and will let you know how
it works. (It's only 15MB, but I'm on a slow 128K DSL connection...
Adobe said:
The way I have worked roud this for my own add-ins is to include an AutoExec
macro. AutoExec runs automatically when an add-in is loaded. In the AutoExec
macro, write some code that makes sure that your custome menu is made

I tried this...

sub autoexec
commandbars("Menu Bar").Controls("mymenu").visible= true
end sub

but it didn't work. My menu stayed gone.

Thanks for the help!



Lars-Eric Gisslén said:

We have also faced this problem. Delete every *.dot file in the
*\Office\Startup folder that belongs to Adobe. Then there should be no
problems with your own menues.


This would be a fine solution for me, but many people want to (or need
to) keep their Adobe template running. :/



Jonathan West said:
Hi Seeker,

Yes, I've experienced this as well. The PDFMaker add in from Adobe Acrobat
is a very rude application.

Well, apparently version 6.0.1 fixes this issue! <whew>

I'm having to post from Google; otherwise, I woulda waited for my
other post to show up. :/


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