Adobe Acrobat PDF Maker


Thomas J. Gould

In office 2004, how can I turn off the Adobe Acrobat PDF Maker Toolbar when
I open Word?
I can¹t find it in prefs and the view menu always shows it on with an arrow.


Tom Gould


Drove me nuts too. Go here:

Applications > Microsoft Office 2004 > Office > Startup > Word

In this folder is a file "PDFmaker.doc" Move this somewhere else and
next time you start up Word it won't be there. In the Startup folder are
also folders for PowerPoint and Excel, same deal there.


JE McGimpsey

Antti Ussa said:
And be sure not to re-enable them, when you open Acrobat next time. It
notices, that you have removed those little bastards, and tries to install
them again. I finally got rid of them altogether, but it required some try
and error. Adobe has been a very naughty boy in integrating them with office
without an easy way of disabling them.

This technique will prevent Acrobat from reinstalling them:

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