I am opening a Recordset to use the items in a function however, everytime I
run the following code -
rsCalc.Open strSQL, CNSTRING, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
msgbox rsCalc!Item '(Just to see what's there)
Do Until rsCalc.EOF
str = xxx(rscalc!Item)
I get the 3021 error - Either BOF or EOF is True or the current record etc
Now, I know there are records as I've tested the SQL I pass in the Query
window and it has at 5 records.
I've checked everything I can think of and I'm now at a loss as to why I get
the error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
run the following code -
rsCalc.Open strSQL, CNSTRING, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
msgbox rsCalc!Item '(Just to see what's there)
Do Until rsCalc.EOF
str = xxx(rscalc!Item)
I get the 3021 error - Either BOF or EOF is True or the current record etc
Now, I know there are records as I've tested the SQL I pass in the Query
window and it has at 5 records.
I've checked everything I can think of and I'm now at a loss as to why I get
the error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.