I have a table that I need to access multiple times seaching for a new
primary key each time. The only was I have been able to figure out to do
this is to continually open and close the table. This seems to me to be
incredibly inefficient and clugy. Is there a better way?. Example:
Dim rs1 as new adodb.recordset
Dim rs2 as new adodb.recordset
sql="Select * from table1"
rs1.Open SQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
do until rs1.eof
SQL="select * from table2 where key1=" & rs1("keyA")
rs2.Open SQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
if not rs2.eof then
Do stuff to rs1 based on the data in rs2
end if
primary key each time. The only was I have been able to figure out to do
this is to continually open and close the table. This seems to me to be
incredibly inefficient and clugy. Is there a better way?. Example:
Dim rs1 as new adodb.recordset
Dim rs2 as new adodb.recordset
sql="Select * from table1"
rs1.Open SQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
do until rs1.eof
SQL="select * from table2 where key1=" & rs1("keyA")
rs2.Open SQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
if not rs2.eof then
Do stuff to rs1 based on the data in rs2
end if