I've currently got an ADODB connection to a CSV file on a fileserver
working over TCP-IP. My VBA looks something like this:
fname = "\\fileserver\directory\file.csv"
With resultLocation.Worksheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" &
fname, Destination:=resultLocation)
.attributes = blah
End With
However, the production of our CSV files is now automated as a cron
job on an AIX box and the only feasible way to access them (between
platforms) is accross HTTP. Can I get excel to easily connect over
this protocol, i.e. making my string filename string more like:
fname = "http://internal.server/directory/file.csv"
My first attempts have failed miserably - is this idea going
I've currently got an ADODB connection to a CSV file on a fileserver
working over TCP-IP. My VBA looks something like this:
fname = "\\fileserver\directory\file.csv"
With resultLocation.Worksheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" &
fname, Destination:=resultLocation)
.attributes = blah
End With
However, the production of our CSV files is now automated as a cron
job on an AIX box and the only feasible way to access them (between
platforms) is accross HTTP. Can I get excel to easily connect over
this protocol, i.e. making my string filename string more like:
fname = "http://internal.server/directory/file.csv"
My first attempts have failed miserably - is this idea going