ADP Client (Local) Storage

  • Thread starter Anthony Headley
  • Start date

Anthony Headley

Hey all, quick question,

I would like to store some local information "In" the clients ADP but I'm
not too sure of the best way to do this.

For the time being I would like to save two simple variables:

1) The last logged on user. At the moment I create a file with VBA with
the users name after a successful login.

2) The current Client ADP Version, at the moment I store this in a module
function al la
Function get_client_version()
get_client_version = "1.4"
End Function

Is there a way that I can do this in a dataset local to the ADP, without
creating an external file or registry entry that the user might be able to
fiddle with?

Thanks again.


Sylvain Lafontaine

Maybe you could use the custom properties collection, something like:

Public Sub SetProperty( _
ByVal strPropName As String, _
ByVal varPropType_Bidon As Integer, _
ByVal varPropValue As Variant)

Const cProcedureName As String = "SetProperty"
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim db As CurrentProject
Set db = Application.CurrentProject

' Properties are string values.
If (IsNull(varPropValue)) Then varPropValue = ""

Dim i
For i = 0 To db.Properties.Count - 1
If (db.Properties(i).name = strPropName) Then
db.Properties(strPropName).Value = varPropValue
GoTo Exit_Sub
End If

db.Properties.Add strPropName, varPropValue

On Error GoTo 0
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub


''''' Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, cModuleName &
Resume Exit_Sub

End Sub

' GetProperty(): returns TRUE if the property was already known; FALSE
' The value itself is passed by argument.

Public Function GetProperty( _
ByVal strPropName As String, _
ByRef strPropValue As Variant) As Boolean

Const cProcedureName As String = "GetProperty"
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim db As CurrentProject
Set db = Application.CurrentProject

Dim i
For i = 0 To db.Properties.Count - 1
If (db.Properties(i).name = strPropName) Then
strPropValue = db.Properties(strPropName)
GetProperty = True
GoTo Exit_Function
End If

GetProperty = False

On Error GoTo 0
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function

GetProperty = False
''''' Call LogError(Err.Number, Err.Description, cModuleName &
Resume Exit_Function

End Function

Also, notice that unlike with MDB, the user cannot access this collection
from the menu.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

Hey all, quick question,

I would like to store some local information "In" the clients ADP but I'm
not too sure of the best way to do this.

For the time being I would like to save two simple variables:

1) The last logged on user. At the moment I create a file with VBA with
the users name after a successful login.

2) The current Client ADP Version, at the moment I store this in a module
function al la
Function get_client_version()
get_client_version = "1.4"
End Function

Is there a way that I can do this in a dataset local to the ADP, without
creating an external file or registry entry that the user might be able to
fiddle with?

Thanks again.


Anthony Headley

Perfect. That is exactly what I was looking for. I didn't realize that the
properties collection was persistent, though that makes perfect sense.
This is a perfect solution.

While I was in my halfway point between MDB and ADP I would store local
data in native MBD tables and the real data via linked tables, so I have
never looked at the Porperty collection, but now... I code....


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