ADP Form won't save data in Access 2003?


Dave Smith

Greetings Gurus,


I have an Access ADP form which works fine in Access 2000, but when I port
it over to Access 2003 (in either 2000 or 2003 format) it will not save the
data being entered for a new record. The form gathers three fields for an
Order header record, calculates a fourth and is supposed to save this record
with an auto OrderID. However, the Tab will not exit the last of the three
controls and I cannot even force a Save with Shift+Enter.

I do not receive any error messages until I close the form, at which time it
reports that it cannot save the record at this time?!?

I have confirmed that it is not a permissions issue since it doesn't save
for sa either.

I am an experienced Access Developer (since MS Access 2.0) and fairly
compitent with SQL Server 2000. However, I have never experienced anything
like this before.

Anybody got any ideas?

Dave Smith


does your table have a primary key?

what is the recordsource for your form?


Sylvain Lafontaine

Maybe an upgrade problem: check the references, then decompile your file,
recompile everything, compact it and repair it; should be fine after that.
If not, create an empty ADP file and import everything into it.

If all this doesn't work, then you will have to provide more details and
make some basic verifications; for example, have you set the Resync and the
UniqueTable properties?

The newsgroup for ADP is m.p.access.adp.sqlserver.

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