ADP forms



I am converting my .mdb form to .adp (both in Access
2000). I have an "orders" table and an "order details"
table that are placed on a form(i.e. "order details" acts
as the subform). I need to calculate the order total and
place it on the main form(i.e. extract data from the
subform and place a calulated result in the main form in
a field). I have created a stored procedure to make the
calculation, but I can't seem to place it in a field on
the form. Can someon tell me if it is a stored procedure
that I need to use or should I attempt to use ADO to make
this calulation? Incidentally, I need this to update upon
every entry in the sub form.

Many thanks in adavance,

Vadim Rapp

J> I am converting my .mdb form to .adp (both in
J> Access 2000). I have an "orders" table and an
J> "order details" table that are placed on a
J> form(i.e. "order details" acts as the subform). I
J> need to calculate the order total and place it on
J> the main form(i.e. extract data from the subform
J> and place a calulated result in the main form in a
J> field). I have created a stored procedure to make
J> the calculation, but I can't seem to place it in a
J> field on the form. Can someon tell me if it is a
J> stored procedure that I need to use or should I
J> attempt to use ADO to make this calulation?
J> Incidentally, I need this to update upon every
J> entry in the sub form.

Let's say, in your subform OrderDetails you have a textbox named Amount, and
you want to calculate its total in the textbox txtTotal on the main form.

1. in the subform, put a textbox named txtTotal with
controlsource=sum(Amount). You can make it invisible.
2. in the main form, set controlsource of txtTotal to =OrderDetails!txtTotal



Thank you for your instructions. I performed exactly what
you said(ironically that's exactly how I did it in .mdb),
unfortunately it seems that the Project form won't
recognize the "SUM" function. I checked the object browser
and the references that are chozen are:

Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library
Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library

I can't figure what could be wrong

Thanks in advance,

Vadim Rapp

J> Thank you for your instructions. I performed
J> exactly what you said(ironically that's exactly how
J> I did it in .mdb), unfortunately it seems that the
J> Project form won't recognize the "SUM" function. I
J> checked the object browser and the references that
J> are chozen are:

make sure you put equal sign, i.e. the controlsource of txtTotal on the
subform must be


and controlsource of the textbox on the main form must be




It's interesting that you mention the "equals(=)" sign,
because I tried it with the sign & without before and it
didn't work. I would appreciate any other suggestions you
may have.


Vadim Rapp

J> It's interesting that you mention the "equals(=)"
J> sign, because I tried it with the sign & without
J> before and it didn't work. I would appreciate any
J> other suggestions you may have.

Take a look at the attached ADP, where it works. The script for creating the
tables is in the zipfile, then you'll need to populate the tables with same

I have to say though that I was trying it on access 2002, however this
functionality is not new.



Thank you Vadim. I inally got it to work. I ust gave up on
the form I had and started fresh and it worked
immediately. Perhaps ther ws something corrupt in the
original form. Many thanks for your help.

p.s. I don't think the newsgroups allows for attached
files - I never was able to receive your zip file - no

Vadim Rapp

J> p.s. I don't think the newsgroups allows for
J> attached files - I never was able to receive your
J> zip file - no problem.

this depends on your newsreader, and maybe newsserver. With the OE and
newsserver, the message does have the attachment.


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