ADP locked up upon data retrieval




I have ADP file that have a connection to a SQL server 2000 through
A month ago I strated to have a problem with it, each time that I will
try to open the ADP file it will load up and do the connection to the
server then when I want to view my DB it will locked up and its taking
about 5 to 10 mintues to get the data. I checked my VPN connection
with cisco tech and they assure me that the VPN connection is working
good and they can not find any problem with it. Then I deside to make
a test using Open office 2.0 I create a DB with ADO connection and
everything working I'm able to bring the database without any problem.
So I went back to my ADP file and try to create a new file but the
same thing happen access is locking up and it is taking forever to
bring the DB up.

Also I had some problems with my windows 2003 SBS that running this
SQL server and I had to reinstall it. After I reinstall I change the
SQL server setting from static port to dynamic. So I'm not using 1433
anymore, but everything work fine after I did it, so I do not think
this is my problem.

My question is can I setup my ADP file to use ADO connection and not
ODBC I try to search for it but all I can find is per form and not per
ADP file

I will appreciate any idea you might have.

Thank you .

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