Advance filter not filtering unique records only



I have a user who has four large lists, he wants to combine them into
two master lists; but hide or delete duplicates. I showed him how to
use Advance Filter and he said it worked perfectly for combination;
but the second worksheet did not filter only unique records. He
assured me he followed the directions and click "Unique Records" in
the Advance filter dialog box; but it didn't work.

Can you guys give me a few more avenues he can pursue: (I suggested
misspelled entries, and double-checking his work.)


Dave Peterson

I agree with you. My bet is that there is a typo or even an extra space (at the
end) that isn't noticeable.

Tell him to pick out two cells that he thinks are duplicates (say A12 and A97).

the put
in an empty cell.

If he sees True, then I'm wrong and there's something else at work.

If he sees False, tell him to look closer.

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