Advance Filter Question?



I set up a table with 3 columns by 1000 rows.
Col-1 data is from 000,001,002 ...until 999.

e.g. of Table to use for question.

Col-1 Col-2 Col-3
000 0 E
111 3 O
222 6 E
333 9 O
444 12 E
555 15 O
666 18 E
777 21 O
888 24 E
999 27 O

My question is how do I use the advance filter to filter out the tabl
with Col-2 value>=14 or Col-3 value =E?

After filtering , the table will be left as below.

Col-1 Col-2 Col-3
000 0 E
222 6 E
444 12 E
555 15 O
666 18 E
777 21 O
888 24 E
999 27 O

Please give advice how to set up the advance filter.
Thanks for the help

Debra Dalgleish

In the criteria area, leave the heading cell blank, and enter the
following formula in the cell below:


When you apply the Advanced Filter, include the blank cell and the cell
with the formula when selecting the criteria range.

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