Advance to next cell after entering characters (Word - Office 2002)



I would like to setup a cell that allows only 1 character to be inputted and then advances to the next cell - without hitting TAB

I have a cell setup within a table and have experimented with the "Text Form Field" allowing one one character to be entered. But it does not advance to the next cell, even after protecting.

Basically it will be used for entering numbers that require a box around each individual number

Thank you in advance


Greg Maxey


I can't answer your question because I exhausted myself
trying to figure out the same problem a while back.

You might be able to apply the solution I used.

Create and postition drawing object boxes formatted with a
behind text layout as necessary to hold your number string.

Rather than limiting your formfield to one character, set
it number of characters required to fill the applicable
cells. Format the font in the form field with
Format>Font>Character Spacing>Spacing>Expanded. Expand
the spacing as necessary to fit the drawing object boxes
you created.

This takes a little trial and error, but might suit your
-----Original Message-----
I would like to setup a cell that allows only 1 character
to be inputted and then advances to the next cell -
without hitting TAB.
I have a cell setup within a table and have experimented
with the "Text Form Field" allowing one one character to
be entered. But it does not advance to the next cell,
even after protecting.
Basically it will be used for entering numbers that
require a box around each individual number.

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