Advanced Countif/H/VLOOKUP Function



Hi All,

So I have a fairly basic calcualtion that I need to do, howeve
structuring the correct formula to use is what seems to be the problem
I have a worksheet where I need to Calculate leave available vs. leav

Part of this would include building a trend pattern to see on which da
of the week leave is most often taken. The purpose of this is to see if
as an example, a person is misusing sick leave on a friday to get a
"Extend Weekend"

The problem I have is because of the way the document is layout. I hav
attached the document.

What I need to happen (Example):
1. SHEET (Leave_Matrix) Brian Windsor has taken SLV every friday i
2. SHEET (Leave_Trends_Balances) The table (Leave Trends C18:J25) need
to count/calculate 4 SLV on Friday and 1 ALV on Thursday for Bria
3. SHEET (Leave_Trends_Balances) Should this trend continue int
February as an example the Friday leave count should keep counting ove
other months. ie. by the end of February, Brian Windsor might have
Fridays as SLV.

I hope my explination makes sense of what I am trying to achieve?



Vacuum Sealed

Hi All,

So I have a fairly basic calcualtion that I need to do, however
structuring the correct formula to use is what seems to be the problem.
I have a worksheet where I need to Calculate leave available vs. leave

Part of this would include building a trend pattern to see on which day
of the week leave is most often taken. The purpose of this is to see if,
as an example, a person is misusing sick leave on a friday to get an
"Extend Weekend"

The problem I have is because of the way the document is layout. I have
attached the document.

What I need to happen (Example):
1. SHEET (Leave_Matrix) Brian Windsor has taken SLV every friday in
2. SHEET (Leave_Trends_Balances) The table (Leave Trends C18:J25) needs
to count/calculate 4 SLV on Friday and 1 ALV on Thursday for Brian
3. SHEET (Leave_Trends_Balances) Should this trend continue into
February as an example the Friday leave count should keep counting over
other months. ie. by the end of February, Brian Windsor might have 6
Fridays as SLV.

I hope my explination makes sense of what I am trying to achieve?


|Filename: |
Hi there

I mailed you your workbook back to your ExcelBanter email address.

I was able to get the result you required using " =SUMPRODUCT() " and
some Helper Columns.

If you do not get the file shoot me an email to noodnuttATgmailDOTcom
and I will send it back to you.


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