Advanced exercises



Hello all

I am an IT trainer and teach all Microsoft applications. At the moment, i write all my own material and, therefore, create my own exercises for the delegates to complete too. Does anybody know of a website that has pre-created 'exercises' for delegates? I am mainly looking for more advanced topics, ie. VLookUp, PMT function etc. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.



when i teach this level of excel i try and use only one example that we
build up using a number of different features & functions (data validation /
vlookup() / if ()/ iserror() / isna() / today() / now() / weekday() /
workday() / dynamic range names etc) ... i find that this works best as the
students work together to build something and see how it all inter-relates.
I have a couple of these scenarios that i've developed - one is a trip
calculator for determining how much they need to save if they're going on
holiday somewhere (this also lends itself to being used for goal seek) ..
the other is an invoice (and this is then used as the basis for my vba
courses) ... hopefully this will give you some ideas.

the other option is that you purchase a manual that is used by other
training companies ... Watsonia Publications is a very well-known company
here in australia and their manuals are reasonably priced and can be
purchased on line ...


Louise said:
Hello all

I am an IT trainer and teach all Microsoft applications. At the moment, i
write all my own material and, therefore, create my own exercises for the
delegates to complete too. Does anybody know of a website that has
pre-created 'exercises' for delegates? I am mainly looking for more
advanced topics, ie. VLookUp, PMT function etc. Any help would be

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