Advanced Filter by Macro does not work anymore under Excel 2007 - Help !



Hi to all,

I've actually some problems with excel 2007

This macro :
Sub FiltreAvance()
Sheets("BDD").Range("A3:V25000").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CriteriaRange:=Range("A1:D3"), CopyToRange:=Range("A11:S11"),
Unique:= False
End Sub

launch by a button from the sheet "Filter" to display the result of the
filter on the sheet "DataBase" which works perfectly under Excel 2003 does
not works anymore under Excel 2007 !!!

I'd be thankful for any helt to solve this new mystery ...



Ron de Bruin

Hi Sagace

If you send me your file private I take a look at it this evening


Hi againt Ron,

just a little word to inform you I have find the cause of the problem !

It's Julien who put me on the way while indicating to me he had the same
problem solved by changing décimal separator from comma to point ...

My problem due to the date format ... (in french format dd/mm/yyyy) - Excel
2007 vba only knows english format (i.e. mm/dd/yyyy) !!!

I've just now to change my code to solve this new problem !!!

anyway ... many thanks for your help effer !

Sincerely yours

Serge (Sagace)

Ron de Bruin

Hi Sagace

Yes you have the same problem when you use AutoFilter
Use always the US mm/dd/yyyy format in code

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