Advanced filter macro? trouble



Happy New Year everyone
I'm working on simple plain VBA-issues - which still cause me
immediate trouble once in a while (urrrghhhh ...)

I hope you can/will help me

I have this range/database in sheet:FILES / column A:D to be filtered
(header C is "Accessed" - all other headers are included as well /no
The column C values are date and time and is supposed to be filtered
by an advanced filter in sheet BOARD (C9:C11 - Rangename=accessed) is
like this:
(I want to filter all items accessed later or on a certain date/time).


On manual action this filter works all right ( hurray!)
- of course I recorded this procedure at once:

Sub AdvancedFilter()
Range("A:D").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace,
CriteriaRange:=Range("Accessed"), Unique:=False
End Sub

but when I replay this macro on the same conditions (including
starting with showing all data) this will not function.
All items will hide in any case.
I THINK the problem somehow is related to the format - celles are in
macro perceived as text or something and therefore not be filtered as
planned - but WHY is this not happening when I do it the manual way?
I dont understand what the difference between the manual procedure and
the similar recorded macro running is, that give this divided results.

So - in all respect of your competence I ask for a little help here.
Best Regards

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