Advanced Filtering by top scores



I am requiring filtering of a list of employees over a who are scored on
performance over a period of time. I would like to filter for the top five
most recent dates for each employee and average the scores for that filtered

Is that possible in advanced filtering? If so, how is it done?

Barb Reinhardt

In Excel 2003

A1:A10 are the names
B1:B10 are the dates
C1:C10 are the scores




I tried the equation and get a "#value" result. Looking at it more closely,
the "IF" statements are not completed. Only the first of the two arugments
are stated. I would assume that if the argument is not met you would want
some kind of message. What do you think?

Dave Peterson

Did you remember to enter it as an array formula?

This is an array formula. Hit ctrl-shift-enter instead of enter. If you do it
correctly, excel will wrap curly brackets {} around your formula. (don't type
them yourself.)


I get a #DIV/0! result. Is the averaging complicating the issue? In the
end, like the auto filter, I would like a list of the five most recent dates
of each employees. I could manage the average another way. Any thoughts?

Dave Peterson

Share the formula that you used.

And double check to see if your data matches what you used in your formula.


I did some further reading and working on Array formulas and have worked the
problem over. First I created unique item listing on another worksheet based
on the name field. I created Name ranges for the date, name, and score.
Next, I select a range of 5 colums and rows with the same number of the
unique names. I entered the equation as follows:
{=Average(if(Name=a1,if(Date>=Large(Date,5),Score)))} (Ctrl-Shift Enter). The
result is #N/A. Removing the average function, I receive a FALSE message.
This is considered a Multicell Array correct? Do you see error in my logic?

Dave Peterson

I would think that since you're looking for a single value--the average, then
the array formula would be a single cell formula.

=average() will ignore text and boolean values.

=if(test,"value if true")
will return "value if true" if test is true. It'll return False if test is

ps. Excel is pretty smart, but I wouldn't use a named range of Date. It looks
too much like the worksheet function =date(). And excel may not get confused,
but I would.

Do you have any names that match A1 in that range called Name?

Do you have any dates greater than the 5th largest date in the range called

And you're sure that all the data in Name, Date, and Score has no errors in it,
I did some further reading and working on Array formulas and have worked the
problem over. First I created unique item listing on another worksheet based
on the name field. I created Name ranges for the date, name, and score.
Next, I select a range of 5 colums and rows with the same number of the
unique names. I entered the equation as follows:
{=Average(if(Name=a1,if(Date>=Large(Date,5),Score)))} (Ctrl-Shift Enter). The
result is #N/A. Removing the average function, I receive a FALSE message.
This is considered a Multicell Array correct? Do you see error in my logic?


Alright, I will eliminate the Date range. Yes there are names that match.
No there are not any date greater than the 5th largest. I am 99% sure the
data does not have errors it.

I will try each element of the formula by itself to see where the error is
comming from. I will let you know how it comes out.

Dave Peterson

First, you have to have dates larger than or equal to the 5th largest--or
arithmetic breaks!

My question should have been do you have any rows that match the name
requirement and have dates large enough to qualify.

Second, you don't have to eliminate the date range--just rename it to something

Third, be 100% positive that you don't have errors in those ranges.

Fourth, create a new test workbook with small ranges that you can test your

Alright, I will eliminate the Date range. Yes there are names that match.
No there are not any date greater than the 5th largest. I am 99% sure the
data does not have errors it.

I will try each element of the formula by itself to see where the error is
comming from. I will let you know how it comes out.


There are dates that are larger or requal to the 5th largest.

There are names that meet the date requirment. However, where are some with
less then fives dates. In that case I would like to pull the largest date.
I would assume the Max function would be used.

I am now 100% sure and I have created a smaller test database.

Now, as a result from testing each element of the equation. I test the
{if(name rang=A1,"Good")}. The first name on the list came back good. The
rest resulted in a false, though the name appear on the list. Any thoughts?

Second I tested the {=if(Date Range >=Large(Date Range,5),Score Range)} I
recevied a return but it was the score for the first entry not the fifth

I think I understand each elements, but I am not getting my expected
results. I am also drifting away from my initial need which was to list the
scores from the five most recent dates per employee. If the employee doesn't
have five, a list of what is available. (I do want to understand why what we
are working on isn't producing the results-I am sure it is my execution)

Thanks for you help.

Dave Peterson

Select the cell with the array formula:
and hit F2, then F9.

You should see an array that looks like:

If I were trying to debug my formula, I'd add a couple of formulas in some
helper columns.

Formulas that would return simple true/false:
(say B2 is the first cell in the myName range)

(say C2 is the first cell in the myDate range)

Then drag down.

Then filter those two columns to show True for each. See what pops up.

There are dates that are larger or requal to the 5th largest.

There are names that meet the date requirment. However, where are some with
less then fives dates. In that case I would like to pull the largest date.
I would assume the Max function would be used.

I am now 100% sure and I have created a smaller test database.

Now, as a result from testing each element of the equation. I test the
{if(name rang=A1,"Good")}. The first name on the list came back good. The
rest resulted in a false, though the name appear on the list. Any thoughts?

Second I tested the {=if(Date Range >=Large(Date Range,5),Score Range)} I
recevied a return but it was the score for the first entry not the fifth

I think I understand each elements, but I am not getting my expected
results. I am also drifting away from my initial need which was to list the
scores from the five most recent dates per employee. If the employee doesn't
have five, a list of what is available. (I do want to understand why what we
are working on isn't producing the results-I am sure it is my execution)

Thanks for you help.


Here are some of the results from debugging.

On the {=if(myname=a1,"good")}, if the "Good" preceeds "False", "Good" is
returned. If a "False" preceeds "Good", "False" is returned. I would think
that if all arguments must be met to render a Good or False; not the position
of the result. Or is this unique to an array formula? Maybe this is not the
correct formula. What do you think?

The second formula, {=if(Mydate>=Large(Mydate,5),Myscore)}, returned the
expected result. The score of the 5th largest date.



On the second formula, It should be an equal sign not a greater than sign.
I am looking for the 5th largest date and score, not anything greater then
the 5th largest score.

Really, I am looking for the top 5 scores, but let finish this one first.

kwh said:
Here are some of the results from debugging.

On the {=if(myname=a1,"good")}, if the "Good" preceeds "False", "Good" is
returned. If a "False" preceeds "Good", "False" is returned. I would think
that if all arguments must be met to render a Good or False; not the position
of the result. Or is this unique to an array formula? Maybe this is not the
correct formula. What do you think?

The second formula, {=if(Mydate>=Large(Mydate,5),Myscore)}, returned the
expected result. The score of the 5th largest date.

Dave Peterson

If the formula returns an array, you're only going to see the first item in that
array in the cell.

If you wanted to check to see if all the cells in myDate match A1, you could

The second formula shouldn't have returned a simple value. It should also
return an array. Do the same F2, then F9 to see the array in the formula bar.

Here are some of the results from debugging.

On the {=if(myname=a1,"good")}, if the "Good" preceeds "False", "Good" is
returned. If a "False" preceeds "Good", "False" is returned. I would think
that if all arguments must be met to render a Good or False; not the position
of the result. Or is this unique to an array formula? Maybe this is not the
correct formula. What do you think?

The second formula, {=if(Mydate>=Large(Mydate,5),Myscore)}, returned the
expected result. The score of the 5th largest date.


you were right about the second formula. the test equation of
C1=LARGE(MYDATE,5) returned the correct answer.

In essence, this is not the right formula for what I need?

Dave Peterson

Did you try the helper columns and autofilter?

On the second formula, It should be an equal sign not a greater than sign.
I am looking for the 5th largest date and score, not anything greater then
the 5th largest score.

Really, I am looking for the top 5 scores, but let finish this one first.


Thanks Dave for your help. Thought this issue was not resolved and I think
it was my approach, I learned a great deal about array formulas and how to
use them.

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