I would think that since you're looking for a single value--the average, then
the array formula would be a single cell formula.
=average() will ignore text and boolean values.
=if(test,"value if true")
will return "value if true" if test is true. It'll return False if test is
ps. Excel is pretty smart, but I wouldn't use a named range of Date. It looks
too much like the worksheet function =date(). And excel may not get confused,
but I would.
Do you have any names that match A1 in that range called Name?
Do you have any dates greater than the 5th largest date in the range called
And you're sure that all the data in Name, Date, and Score has no errors in it,
I did some further reading and working on Array formulas and have worked the
problem over. First I created unique item listing on another worksheet based
on the name field. I created Name ranges for the date, name, and score.
Next, I select a range of 5 colums and rows with the same number of the
unique names. I entered the equation as follows:
{=Average(if(Name=a1,if(Date>=Large(Date,5),Score)))} (Ctrl-Shift Enter). The
result is #N/A. Removing the average function, I receive a FALSE message.
This is considered a Multicell Array correct? Do you see error in my logic?