Advanced workbook linking



Here's the problem:

How do I link between workbooks without linking as in
'HD/documents/anotherfolder/excelfiles/analysis', but by going to the folder
that holds all the files where I link to.

Here's the situation:
I have a folder called 'folderA', and in this folder there is 'folder 1' and
'folder 2', both have some excel files 'folder1file1.xls' and

When I get a value from 'folder1file1.xls' and put it into
'folder1file2.xls' the doc ref becomes something like:
which is ok if you do not move the files.

But what happens is that if you copy those to another computer and put them
eg on the desktop, you need to relink all the files. For 2 files ok, but I
have a lot of files and it takes ages to do so.

Is there a way to 'go back' and say that this link needs to go down 1 folder
(to folderA) and then up 1 folder (to folder1) where it will find the file?

I need this since I want to show people my multiple excel files in my
multiple folders.

Thanks for any suggestions

Gary Brown

My only suggetion is to take a look at the Indirect( ) function.
Gary Brown
(e-mail address removed)
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