Advice for a team to share important emails




Simple questions that I need help with from the wider community

I work in a team of six people. We all send and recieve important
emails that are useful to others in the team on occasions. At the
moment, there is a lot of forwarding and CC'ing. I am looking for a
better way to manage this process.

The ideas I have so far are:

1) Create a macro the copies the selected email to a shared public
folder, that we can all look at. The problem with this is searching
and indexing.

2) Drag and drop emails to a public folder or shared mailbox



Thanks for your fast replies.

I had the idea of setting up a public folder with an email address
assigned to it, that would work fine. However it still means that I
would be CC'ing and forwarding to that address. In addition it becomes
hard to manage email conversation thread.


I send an email that I expect a reply from. I want other people in my
team to be able to easily see the thread that would appear from the
conversation I was having over email. To be honest I have only found
one product that does this well from an individual basis it's called
Nelson email organizer.

Am I asking for too much ?


Thanks for all those who posted a reply.

In response to the suggestion of creating a shared mailbox and
changing the FROM field to the servicedesk, thats an idea I have
thought of. However I thought that the sent item was still stored in
MY mailbox rather than the shared mailbox. Hence people would only see
replies and not the original message. Although they may do depending
on how the person replied. ie. if they included the original message I
am ok.

Victor Ivanidze

However I thought that the sent item was still stored in
MY mailbox rather than the shared mailbox.

yes you're right. But UniSent add-in ensures that messages sent with
the shared mailbox's From address stay in the Sent Items of the shared

Thanks and regards,

Victor Ivanidze,
software developer

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