


Can anyone recommend any good websites or books regarding learning VBA?

Thanks in advance


Peter Hewett

Hi Barry

In addition to Howard's suggestions, there's these:
Part 1: Learn to create professional looking forms in Word.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 2: Add Automation to your Word forms.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 3: Learn more VBA (macros) to automate your forms.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 4: Lean how to use dialog boxes in your Word forms.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 5: Connect your AutoForm to a database to save input time and keep
better records!
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]

and of course:

1. Make sure you have the Word VBA online help installed, if not - Do it now!
2. Make use of and familiarise yourself with the VBA IDEs Object Browser (F2)
3. Use the MVP website:
4. Use the Google News Group search feature

The only book on VBA I'd ever recommend is:

Visual Basic Language Developers Handbook
Ken Getz/Mike Gilbert
ISBN: 0-8721-2162-4

This was published a couple of years back but may still be in print, if not it's
worth trying to get a "pre-owned" version through Amazon etc.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Howard Kaikow

Better would be the VBA Developer's Handbook (ISBN 0782129781). See the
description at
The book is not for beginners, but should be in one's library.
--; See Howard Kaikow's web site.
Peter Hewett said:
Hi Barry

In addition to Howard's suggestions, there's these:
Part 1: Learn to create professional looking forms in Word.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 2: Add Automation to your Word forms.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 3: Learn more VBA (macros) to automate your forms.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 4: Lean how to use dialog boxes in your Word forms.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 5: Connect your AutoForm to a database to save input time and keep
better records!
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]

and of course:

1. Make sure you have the Word VBA online help installed, if not - Do it now!
2. Make use of and familiarise yourself with the VBA IDEs Object Browser (F2)
3. Use the MVP website:
4. Use the Google News Group search feature

The only book on VBA I'd ever recommend is:

Visual Basic Language Developers Handbook
Ken Getz/Mike Gilbert
ISBN: 0-8721-2162-4

This was published a couple of years back but may still be in print, if not it's
worth trying to get a "pre-owned" version through Amazon etc.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Can anyone recommend any good websites or books regarding learning VBA?

Thanks in advance


Peter Hewett

Hi Howard Kaikow

I actually have any earlier version of this manual on me "archived" bookshelf, at the time
I paid almost 3 times it's US List price to purchase this manual in New Zealand. But at
the time it was worth it. I replaced it a few years back with the manual I recommended
which I've had no problems with in conjunction with VBA.

But having said that, I've not looked at the superseded VBA manual, as I've not seen it

But Ken Getz and Mike Gilbert are to be highly recommended to all.

Cheers - Peter

Better would be the VBA Developer's Handbook (ISBN 0782129781). See the
description at
The book is not for beginners, but should be in one's library.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

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