Hi Barry
In addition to Howard's suggestions, there's these:
Part 1: Learn to create professional looking forms in Word.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 2: Add Automation to your Word forms.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 3: Learn more VBA (macros) to automate your forms.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 4: Lean how to use dialog boxes in your Word forms.
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
Part 5: Connect your AutoForm to a database to save input time and keep
better records!
by Dian Chapman
[Copyright (c) Logical Expressions, Inc.]
and of course:
1. Make sure you have the Word VBA online help installed, if not - Do it now!
2. Make use of and familiarise yourself with the VBA IDEs Object Browser (F2)
3. Use the MVP website:
4. Use the Google News Group search feature
The only book on VBA I'd ever recommend is:
Visual Basic Language Developers Handbook
Ken Getz/Mike Gilbert
ISBN: 0-8721-2162-4
This was published a couple of years back but may still be in print, if not it's
worth trying to get a "pre-owned" version through Amazon etc.
HTH + Cheers - Peter
Can anyone recommend any good websites or books regarding learning VBA?
Thanks in advance