Advice needed on database v. spreadsheet



Can anyone advise me of the best way to catalogue data please?

I have 50 or so painting magazines each of which has several projects. When
I want to find a particular project I have to sort through a lot before I
find it.

I'd like to list the information so that I could find it by artist name,
subject matter, media used etc. My question is - is it better to list them in
Excel with a separate worksheet for each category or would a database be
preferable? I'm quite familiar with Excel but Access is unknown territory -
and so far I've found it confusing! I realise I could use an existing
template but I haven't found one that suits and I've no idea how to 'tweak'
one to suit. Simply put my Access knowledge could be engraved on the head of
a pin... with room left for the Declaration of Independence :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



The answer depends partially on the volume of data you need to work with. If
it is low volumne and you are comfortable with Excel, you could use that.
However, rather than a sheet for each category, put a column in your sheet
that identifies the category. Then you can use data filtering to show only
rows in the category.

If you have an interest in learning Access, this would be a good application
to start with. But, before you do, you should do some research on relational
database design. Designing a good relational database is the key to using
any relational database application. It reduces the hassle of working with

You can also count on these newgroups to help you along. I would suggest
you analyse your data and come up with a relational design. Then ask for
some review on your design in the tablesdbdesign group.

Linq Adams via

Since I took the time to write this I'll post it, even though it essentially
echoes Dave's post:

This IS an Access forum, so obviously there is a bias towards Access here,
but, given the requirements you've set forth here AND you experience/lack of
same in Excel/Access, if I were you I'd opt for Excel, especially if this is
a once off project. IF you foresee using Access for other projects in the
future, it might be worth the time and trouble of learning Access (this would
be a good first database) but given the relatively small size of your
project, Excel's native search functions should serve you well.

With experience, setting this up in Excel should be an afternoon's work;
learning Access and setting up the same project, I suspect, will entail weeks
if not months of work. The Microsoft hype-meisters would have you believe
that creating an Access database is child's play, and it is...if you're
setting up a database to track your Christmas card list or to store recipes!
But a db to store this kind of data, with search capabilities involving
multiple fields? There ain't no such thing as a free lunch!

Good Luck!


If you have the time, doing this in access is a million times more fun then
excel. You can create a really nifty application that does whatever you want.
If you don't care about havin fun with this and just want a simple way to get
the information you need, then excel would be your best bet. But like the
other guys said, it will take some time to learn access.

John W. Vinson

The Microsoft hype-meisters would have you believe
that creating an Access database is child's play, and it is...if you're
setting up a database to track your Christmas card list or to store recipes!

I spent most of a month on a recipe database myself.

It was for a large institution's cafeteria and needed to track nutritional
information and scale recipes from 4 to 500 servings but still...

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Linq Adams via

Is being "Culinary Challenged" covered by the ADA, John?

Linq ;0)>

Steve Hayes

Can anyone advise me of the best way to catalogue data please?

I have 50 or so painting magazines each of which has several projects. When
I want to find a particular project I have to sort through a lot before I
find it.

I'd like to list the information so that I could find it by artist name,
subject matter, media used etc. My question is - is it better to list them in
Excel with a separate worksheet for each category or would a database be
preferable? I'm quite familiar with Excel but Access is unknown territory -
and so far I've found it confusing! I realise I could use an existing
template but I haven't found one that suits and I've no idea how to 'tweak'
one to suit. Simply put my Access knowledge could be engraved on the head of
a pin... with room left for the Declaration of Independence :)

A relational database might be better, depending on the size of the project.

You could have a table for artists, for example, and another for articles, and
that would save you the hassle of entering artists multiple times, if they
appear in more than one article, with the danger of typos etc.


Can anyone advise me of the best way to catalogue data please?

I have 50 or so painting magazines each of which has several projects. When
I want to find a particular project I have to sort through a lot before I
find it.

I'd like to list the information so that I could find it by artist name,
subject matter, media used etc. My question is - is it better to list them in
Excel with a separate worksheet for each category or would a database be
preferable? I'm quite familiar with Excel but Access is unknown territory -
and so far I've found it confusing! I realise I could use an existing
template but I haven't found one that suits and I've no idea how to 'tweak'
one to suit. Simply put my Access knowledge could be engraved on the head of
a pin... with room left for the Declaration of Independence :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
search-ability and data integrity will be much better if you go with
you could actually do exactly (pretty much) same as you would do with
Excel out of the gate.
then learn how to manage your data in the best way for your needs over
just don't get too hung up in making look all pretty and spend more
time learning about manipulating your data.


Sincere thanks to each of you who responded. A treasure trove of Excel-lent
and Access-ible advice :))

Seriously, I do value your input. After considering your advice, and knowing
my Access knowledge is extremely poor, I believe that Excel would suit my

The thought of learning about databases is daunting and as for relational
databases? .... well, I didn't know they existed! By now I'm probably making
all you Accessophiles wince in horror at my Accessophilistine ignorance.

Once again, thank you for helping me with this question.


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