advice on reverting back to office 2004



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Because of the way that Word, Excel, and PP handle pasted graphics (converting them into pictures) I needed to revert back to Office 2004 which does not strip imbedded codes from the pictures. This is a very irritating feature, but that is another topic.

To solve this problem I removed Word 2008, and installed from the original disk Word 2004. I was using it seamlessly with the rest of Office 2008 until a day or two ago when the most recent Office 2008 update came along. Now whenever I start Word 2004 it tells me that there is another computer running office with this log in code.

By experimenting I could show that at first it was Office 2008 on my own computer that was causing this. By closing Entourage i could launch Word 2004 and use it for a while.

After a day or two of this though, it doesn't even need an Office 2008 program open to give me this non-starter error. I uninstalled Word 2004 and re-installed and this worked for a few hours, now it is the same.

I have authentic copies of both Office 2004 and 2008 (I've also now purchased iWork to see if that is a non-MS option), and so I find this to be more than irritating.

So ... either there is a work around that is obvious to you all, or I uninstall 2008 and run exclusively on 2004. I actually prefer Entourage 2008 so I this is not my favorite option.

In that case, will Entourage 2004 read my 2008 database?

Thanks in Advance,

Mike GEE

Diane Ross

So many people are running both version, I doubt it's a problem resulting
from the update. I believe it might be the way you installed. It sounds like
you did a custom install of Word 2004 only. Office apps rely on core
components files, and changes in one item without all the other apps and
files installed would put everything out of sync. Here is what I would do.

First some basics:

Office 2008 Font Install Basics:

Office 2008 uses a different method for fonts and many fonts are new
versions. Office 2008 will install fonts to the /Library/Fonts/Microsoft
folder. By being at the root, then all users on the machine have access to
them and you don't get Office 2008 putting multiple copies on the machine
for each user.

The installer will scour /Library/Fonts/ and ~/Library/Fonts/ for fonts with
the same name and move them to /Library/Disabled Fonts/ or
~/Library/Disabled Fonts/ depending on where they were found.

Be sure you install Office 2004 first. Office 2008 will not go back
retroactively and move fonts installed after it was installed.

When you use "Remove Office" in Office 2008, check to be sure it deleted the
Microsoft packages here: "/Library/Receipts" Not as important but you might
want to also remove the Automator actions here: "/Library/Automator" These
are harder because you will have to check by name to know what to delete.
I'm looking to get you the cleanest install possible.

Even though the installer is not supposed to touch your Entourage data in
the Microsoft User Data folder. I suggest making a backup. On _rare_
occasions I have seen an Identity disappear.

Now to installing...

Armed with the basics, you want to run "Remove Office" and remove both
Office 2004 and Office 2008. Manually check for the packages files.

Install Office 2004 - the entire suite and update.

1. Be sure all applications are not running. Log in/out with Shift key to
disable all.
2. Drag the Office 2004 folder to the trash and delete.
3. Insert your CD installer for Office and install.
4. Restart and again log in with Shift key down.
5. Run Microsoft AutoUpdate and update to 11.5.0
6. Restart
7. Run Microsoft AutoUpdate and update to 11.5.1
8. Restart

Install Office 2008 - the entire suite and update

Follow the steps here:

Now you have both versions installed correctly (especially fonts) and you
should be good to go. Your Entourage database that was upgraded will work
correctly. (you cannot go backward easily since databases are not
compatible.) I would not launch Word in Office 2008 as it might cause an
oddity where Get Info will not allow you to select Word 04 after starting
Word 08 automatically, however this might be tied to the suite.

Running both versions oddity: When you double click a file the 2008 version
of the app will run. To run the 2004 version, simply open it and then use
the file menu to open a file. You cannot use Get Info to change default back
to an Office 2004 application.

Let me know if this works. Sorry you are having to go through so much to get
Office working for you.


Thanks Diane,
I tried your suggestion this morning, and I'm still getting the same problem of Office 2004 telling me that I am already using office and have exceeded my number of installs.

I uninstalled office 2004 and 2008, and checked for those files in the library as you suggested (they were gone). I then installed Office 2004 and restarted after each update along the way. Then I installed 2008 as you indicated, once again restarting after each update.

At no point did either program ask me for the product key when I was installing. Is there a preference where this is kept so that I can have it re-ask/re-set this information?

Any suggestions as to what to try next?

Thanks again for the help so far.


Diane Ross

I tried your suggestion this morning, and I'm still getting the same problem
of Office 2004 telling me that I am already using office and have exceeded my
number of installs.
"Remove Office" in Office 2008 does not remove the PID. See this page for
how to....

License and Version Info

If you are installing Office on just one computer, you use one CD Key.
Microsoft Office for Mac does not have activation.

The standard version allows you to install on one computer and one laptop.
With the Home & Student version you get 3 CD Keys to be used on three
different computers.


Hi Diane,
That seems to have done the trick. Resetting the 2008 key didn't do anything, but deleting the preferences folder of 2004 and re-keying the key made the problem go away. It was like 2004 was seeing another version of itself operating someplace.
Thanks again (for at least the 2nd time) for help.

Diane Ross

Hi Diane,
That seems to have done the trick. Resetting the 2008 key didn't do anything,
but deleting the preferences folder of 2004 and re-keying the key made the
problem go away. It was like 2004 was seeing another version of itself
operating someplace.
Thanks again (for at least the 2nd time) for help.

Glad we finally got you installed.

FWIW, "Remove Office" sometimes has to be run multiple times to completely
get everything. This is especially true if you are removing the Test Drive
version of Office.

Diane Ross

You could try to borrow a CD, buy a replacement on eBay (not sure if
Microsoft offers Office 2004 replacements could ask), or download
from the torrents. The important part is having a legitimate key. We don't
condone piracy on this list.

Be sure you have the CD key not the Product ID.

The Product Key also called CD Key is on a yellow or bright orange sticker
on the CD package.

The Product ID is given during the Setup Assistant process. The Product ID
will look like this: 11111-130-0001111-12345). It is used to register.

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