Advice on setting up Security


Jack G

I'd like to set up a really basic security system for my database, and it
seems like Access's User-Level Security might be overkill - all I need is
something to keep a user unfamiliar with the database from accidentally
making changes.

I don't want any log in or passwords - I'd just like to set up a table or
something that grants permissions based on the user's Windows login name.
The table would probably just have the Login Name and a Permission Number,
maybe 1, 2 or 3.

Has anyone done something like this? And how would I programatically get the
Windows Login Name? Or should I go in some other direction?

Thanks for any advice.



Hi Doug, i have tried to use this code (to use as an audit of who is
inputting data), I have put the code in a new module and called it
fOSUserName, then within my form I am setting the default value to
fOSUserName() however when I open the form the value is #Name?

Any idea where I am going wrong?


Douglas J. Steele

The module cannot be named the same as any functions or subs within it.

Rename the module.


Excellent, thanks very much Doug.


Douglas J. Steele said:
The module cannot be named the same as any functions or subs within it.

Rename the module.

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