Nedan Nedzatra said:
My question is not entirely inappropriate.
I hope I did not give the impression that I thought it "entirely
inappropriate", but only that, as stated, you wouldn't be likely to get a
satisfactory response here.
After you responded to others with additional information, let me first say
that, if you intend to load SQL Server on the same computer as the Access
front end, rather than on a heavy-duty server, you may not see as much
difference in performance as you would hope. If you are retrieving a number
of records in the millions or in the high hundreds of thousands, that is
going to take some time. If you have your records properly indexed and use
the indexed field/fields to select a single record or a few records,
performance will be much better whether it is Jet, ACE, or SQL Server.
Before you worry about comparative speed (and that is so dependent on the
particular situation, environment, and requirements that a 'general
comparison' is hardly useful), you should first learn SQL Server... Sylvain
advised you to download the SQL Server Express Edition and the SQL Server
Management Studio Express Edition, and that's where you should start. If
you then learn enough about Access to set up some demonstration databases
with SQL Server Express backend data stores to demonstrate your abilities,
you will have a headstart.
But, one other caution, Microsoft SQL Server is a very flexible, capable,
and sometimes complex software product -- it is not going to be an easy task
to learn it just by "poking around" in your spare time. In-depth training,
whether classroom, or self-study from books (like the ones used for studying
for Microsoft certification) or from a course on DVD, or other means, is
probably going to be required.
There are quite a number of SQL Server newsgroups in the microsoft.public...
hierarchy. The online user interface may make it difficult to recognize
them, in a misguided attempt to replace the actual name with a "friendly
name". I use Outlook Express 6.0 (the latest published version, as far as I
know) and obtain the microsoft-sponsored newsgroups from;
I find it very, very easy to look for newsgroups carried in that have "sql" anywhere in their name. If you feel
compelled to continue using the online user interfact, you may have a lot,
really a lot, of scrolling to do before you find them... and because I don't
use it, I don't even have any hints to offer on the "friendly names" they
have applied.
Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP