I have a file index, which inputs the paths in various columns for
Autofiltering and makes the files into hyperlinks. It takes a while to
process (22 rows takes approx 2 mins to process). There will be more files
added as work proceeds. I want to know if there is a way to speed up the
process, I've tried Application.Screenupdating = True/False, but it seems to
take longer using this.
If oFolder.Files.Count > 0 Then
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
If oFile.Type = filetype Then
sFile = Mid(oFile.Path, 1)
'Start of first value iPos1 =
InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile,
"\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\")
'End of first value and start of second value
iPos2 = InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(sFile, "\") + 1,
sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile,
"\") + 1, sFile, "\")
'End of second value and start of third value
iPos3 = InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(sFile, "\") + 1,
sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile,
"\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\")
'End of third value
iPos4 = InStrRev(sFile, "\")
'first string
Cells(iFile, iPathColA).Value = Mid(sFile, iPos1 + 1, iPos2 - iPos1)
Cells(iFile, iPathColB).Value = Mid(sFile, iPos2 + 1, iPos3 - iPos2)
Cells(iFile, iPathColC).Value = Mid(sFile, iPos3 + 1, iPos4 - iPos3)
Cells(iFile, iFileCol) = oFile.Name
' And a link in the Hyperlink column
Cells(iFile, iLinkCol).FormulaR1C1 = "=HYPERLINK(root &
RC[-4] & RC[-3]& RC[-2] & RC[-1] ,""HERE"")"
iFile = iFile + 1
End If
Next oFile
End If
Autofiltering and makes the files into hyperlinks. It takes a while to
process (22 rows takes approx 2 mins to process). There will be more files
added as work proceeds. I want to know if there is a way to speed up the
process, I've tried Application.Screenupdating = True/False, but it seems to
take longer using this.
If oFolder.Files.Count > 0 Then
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
If oFile.Type = filetype Then
sFile = Mid(oFile.Path, 1)
'Start of first value iPos1 =
InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile,
"\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\")
'End of first value and start of second value
iPos2 = InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(sFile, "\") + 1,
sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile,
"\") + 1, sFile, "\")
'End of second value and start of third value
iPos3 = InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(InStr(sFile, "\") + 1,
sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile,
"\") + 1, sFile, "\") + 1, sFile, "\")
'End of third value
iPos4 = InStrRev(sFile, "\")
'first string
Cells(iFile, iPathColA).Value = Mid(sFile, iPos1 + 1, iPos2 - iPos1)
Cells(iFile, iPathColB).Value = Mid(sFile, iPos2 + 1, iPos3 - iPos2)
Cells(iFile, iPathColC).Value = Mid(sFile, iPos3 + 1, iPos4 - iPos3)
Cells(iFile, iFileCol) = oFile.Name
' And a link in the Hyperlink column
Cells(iFile, iLinkCol).FormulaR1C1 = "=HYPERLINK(root &
RC[-4] & RC[-3]& RC[-2] & RC[-1] ,""HERE"")"
iFile = iFile + 1
End If
Next oFile
End If