Paul Webster
I need to put together a system that involves recruitment consultants
completing a form notifying placements that they have made, managers
authorising these form, and finally accounts staff importing the data
into an accounting package to generate invoicing. I am considering using
Infopath to achieve this, however I am a bit confused as to how the
authorisation by manager step of the process could be achieved. I have
read that there is no workflow built in to the product, will Infopath do
what I want, and if so, could you outline for me the best way to
structure things.
Paul Webster
completing a form notifying placements that they have made, managers
authorising these form, and finally accounts staff importing the data
into an accounting package to generate invoicing. I am considering using
Infopath to achieve this, however I am a bit confused as to how the
authorisation by manager step of the process could be achieved. I have
read that there is no workflow built in to the product, will Infopath do
what I want, and if so, could you outline for me the best way to
structure things.
Paul Webster