after a .Find command, offset the output 2 rows down.



so i have some information in blocks, in a selection i want to find the
first cell with the name "Elder" in it then move down 2 rows and check if
this cell has "Elder" also, if the cell (after offset) doesn't have "Elder"
in it then i want to save the cell as an Object to display in a ListBox later
in the program.

my problem is when i try to do the If(j.Offset (2, 0) <> "Elder" Then... a
Run-time error '13 Type mismatch. pops up. is this type mismatch saying
that i cant do the .Offset on a variable that comes from a (Set j =
..Find("Elder",,,,xlByColumns)) command earlier in the script?

do i have to somehow change this variable (j) to a different type before i
can do a .Offset command on it?

thanks for any and all suggestions


Well, i dont know if a .Find function declares a variable as a range.

this is a portion of my code.

With Selection
Set j = .Find("Elder", , , , xlByColumns)
If Not j Is Nothing Then
Set comp1 = j.Offset(2, 0)
If j.Offset(2, 0) <> "Elder" Then
apmtAddress1 = j.Row
Set apmtcdn1 = j
apmtlist1 = j.Offset(2, 0)
Set comp2 = j.Offset(2, 0)
Set j = .FindNext(j)
apmtlist1 = j.Offset(2, 0)
End If
................................(goes further with other If-thens)

even with putting the (.Value) in there after the .Offset(2, 0) it is
giving me the same error code.

Dave Peterson

Find won't declare any variables.

You would use something like:

Option Explicit
Sub YourSubNameHere()
dim J as range
dim compl = range

with selection
set j = .find(....

One of the things that can cause this error is that if that j.offset(2,0)
contains an error.

You could check it with something like:

if iserror(j.offset(2,0).value) then
'skip it
elseif lcase(j.offset(2,0).value) = lcase("Elder") then
'do the work.
end if

If you want to see what's in that cell for debugging purposes, add this before
the offending line:

with j.offset(2, 0)
msgbox .address & vblf & .text
end with

And you'll be able to see what that cell holds.


I am still having problems with a Type mismatch Run-error. i have checked
the cell contents with the msgbox (.address & vblf § .Text) it returns $A$52
(which is correct) and Elder (which is also correct). thus my contents
should allow the if then to proceed without producing an error (the if then
statement produces the error)

i have also tried activating the cell and using activeCell to no avail.
this is driving me crazy.


Also i have defined the variable as range. and in debug when i hover over
the first portion of the if then statement it shows (j.Offset (4. 0).Value =
"Elder") which suggests that the if then should work.

Dave Peterson

I don't have another guess.
I am still having problems with a Type mismatch Run-error. i have checked
the cell contents with the msgbox (.address & vblf § .Text) it returns $A$52
(which is correct) and Elder (which is also correct). thus my contents
should allow the if then to proceed without producing an error (the if then
statement produces the error)

i have also tried activating the cell and using activeCell to no avail.
this is driving me crazy.


Well, i found that i had a couple other faults, the variable was being
changed between the time that i dimensioned it and the time it was being
used. but the answer you gave before was correct. thanks for your help. I
owe you one (i have no idea how, what, and who you really are, but i still
owe you one)

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