After checked condition, add the data to adjacent cell automatically



Hi all,

Could anyone help me how to check condition, and fill the data to the
adjacent cell automatically?

Such that, there are several columns at the worksheet.

And I specified to use 2 columns (C and D) only.

Column D contains characters in each cell.
Column C is blank Column without data in all cell.

It checks the number of the characters in each cell of column D.
If the number of characters is 10 in D2, then fill "5" into C2
If the number of characters is 20 in D3, then fill "4" into C3

How can I implement that operation?

Thanks for your in advance.



You may need to fiddle the numbers but, this should give you the idea:


OK, that's a lot to take on board in one hit so let's go at it step-by-step:

The Syntax for If()

=IF(condition, If TRUE, If FALSE)

Add the condition:

=IF(LEN(D1)<10, If TRUE, If FALSE)

Now add the If TRUE part

=IF(LEN(D1)<10,5, If FALSE)

Now add the if FALSE part (which is another If() statement, until the last
nested IF when you use a value)

=IF(LEN(D1)<10,5, IF(condition, If TRUE, If FALSE))

Keep building replacing your condition, true and false parts until you cover
all conditions. There is a limit of seven nested Ifs.


Sorry. I just noticed that you want to automate the process with code rather
than use a function.

Sub Test()
' Select column D cells
' Results show in Column C
For Each c In Selection

x = Len(c)

Select Case x

Case Is < 10
rtn = 5
Case Is < 20
rtn = 4
Case Is < 30
rtn = 3
Case Is < 40
rtn = 2
Case Is < 50
rtn = 1
Case Else
rtn = 0

End Select

c.Offset(, -1) = rtn

Next c
End Sub


Hi AltaEgo,

Thanks for your help. You give me the idea how to implement the macro.

Besides, anyone know how to selected the specified column pattern for

Such that, check column (B, D, F, H, J, L,........) in the worksheet.

I tried to find information about it. It is more likely to use
"range.Offset( )" to implement.

Am I correct? how can I loop it until checked all specified columns.

Thanks for your in advance.

Best regards,
Tom Lee

Patrick Molloy

Option Explicit

Sub demo()

manager "C"

End Sub

Sub manager(col As String)
Dim source As Range
Dim cell As Range

Set source = Columns(col).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
If Not source Is Nothing Then
For Each cell In source.Cells
Select Case Len(cell.Value)
Case 10
cell.Offset(, 1).Value = 5
Case 20
cell.Offset(, 1).Value = 4
Case Else
End Select


End If

End Sub


List your columns in an array. Call the other (slightly modified code) for
each element of the array.

Sub Test()
Dim i, ArrCols

ArrCols = Array("D", "F", "H", "J") 'etc
For i = LBound(ArrCols) To UBound(ArrCols)

Call LenCheck(ArrCols(i))

Next i

End Sub

Sub LenCheck(Col)
dim c,x
Range(Col & "2").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

For Each c In Selection

x = Len(c)

Select Case x

Case Is < 10
rtn = 5
Case Is < 20
rtn = 4
Case Is < 30
rtn = 3
Case Is < 40
rtn = 2
Case Is < 50
rtn = 1
Case Else
rtn = 0

End Select

c.Offset(, -1) = rtn

Next c
End Sub

Depending how many you need to do, selecting and looping each cell may be


Thank you all


Option Explicit

Sub demo()

manager "C"

End Sub

Sub manager(col As String)
Dim source As Range
Dim cell As Range

Set source = Columns(col).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
If Not source Is Nothing Then
For Each cell In source.Cells
Select Case Len(cell.Value)
Case 10
cell.Offset(, 1).Value = 5
Case 20
cell.Offset(, 1).Value = 4
Case Else
End Select


End If

End Sub


Hi Steve,

Could you help to explain the following 2 statements?

Range(Col & "2").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select



The Test() Sub is an array of the columns you wish to check. It calls them
one-by-one passing the value to LenCheck through the parameter named 'Col'.

So, for each of the columns listed in the array, LenCheck runs:

Range(Col & "2").Select

For example, if D is passed from the array, the above can be read as

Or, the same as click on Cell D2.

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

Selects all cells from the current selection (D2 in the example) to the cell
above the next blank cell in the column, moving down.

Or, the same as holding the [Shift] key and pressing [End]/[Down arrow]

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select assumes there are no blank
rows in the area you wish to check. If you are having problems because of
blank rows substitute:

'select last cell in row
Range(Col & "65536").Select
'move selection up to last cell with a value
'select from that point to the row 2 cell
Range(Selection, Range(Col & "2")).Select

in place of

Range(Col & "2").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

The choice you make depends on data and layout. If you have summary below,
you need the original code and a blank row between data area and summary. If
you have summary in a different area, and may encounter blank rows, use the


Hi Steve,

Thank you very for your detail explanation. It's a great help.

I also found the resource for VBA reference from Microsoft


The Test() Sub is an array of the columns you wish to check. It calls them
one-by-one passing the value to LenCheck through the parameter named 'Col'.

So, for each of the columns listed in the array, LenCheck runs:

Range(Col & "2").Select

For example, if D is passed from the array, the above can be read as

Or, the same as click on Cell D2.

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

Selects all cells from the current selection (D2 in the example) to the cell
above the next blank cell in the column, moving down.

Or, the same as holding the [Shift] key and pressing [End]/[Down arrow]

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select assumes there are no blank
rows in the area you wish to check. If you are having problems because of
blank rows substitute:

'select last cell in row
Range(Col & "65536").Select
'move selection up to last cell with a value
'select from that point to the row 2 cell
Range(Selection, Range(Col & "2")).Select

in place of

Range(Col & "2").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

The choice you make depends on data and layout. If you have summary below,
you need the original code and a blank row between data area and summary. If
you have summary in a different area, and may encounter blank rows, use the


tlee said:
Hi Steve,

Could you help to explain the following 2 statements?

Range(Col & "2").Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select


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