After downloading the latest office updates, my outbox won't send.


Housing Director

My outbox won't send any messages since downloading the latest Office
updates. Is there a setting that I need to adjust? Thank you.

Susan Ramlet

Hi, Housing Director,

What version of Office are you using, and what program do you use for your
e-mail? Do you use an Exchange Server for your e-mail, or an Internet
Service Provider with a POP or IMAP e-mail account? Is the mail sitting in
your Outbox? Do you get an error message?

Housing Director

Hi Susan,
Whatever the problem was, it’s working alright now. To answer your
questions, I’m using Office 2003 and have an ISP that uses POP. The mail was
just sitting in the Outbox. I wasn’t getting any error messages. Maybe the
problem was with the ISP and I only noticed it after installing the updates
for Office. Anyway, thanks for responding. I appreciate your trying to help.
Housing Director

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