After installing Office SP3, Views corrupted in SP2 machine



Since I installed SP3 to Outlook 2003 EN, I do not remember the very first
time, but after some time of working with view definitions, perhaps also
updating/saving of Customized Views with custom defined fields I cannot see
Advanced Filter of the views in my PST file when I connect the PST file to
Outlook that has SP2 only installed.

The problem disappears as far as I install SP3 on that machine, but I have
problem I cannot shar my views (20 views) to people not having SP3 installed,
since they would have to re-create the filters in views manually.

The error looks following: The Advanced filter is not editable, the criteria
is on the next card DASL filter, the checkbox is checked and my criteria is
automatically converted to some DASL filetr and it is not correct, because
more items is displayed then expected (MessageClass='IPM.Task.something').

I would welcome some way how to make my views backward compatible again,
preferably not manually :)

Or, I start to force everyone to also upgrade to SP3..... to see my views
Well, it might be problem at people using company NB with supported SP2 they
wont be happy and AFAIK sometimes it is even not possible to install SP3 if
they have alternative install source from network.

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