After protecting Form Field, rest of the docs can not be changed



In Word 2003, I use the drop-down form field. After clicking the padlock icon
to protect the form, the rest of the document except the Form field can no
longer be accessible. I need to enter data in some part of the form/docs.
How can I unprotect the rest of the docs while protecting the Field form part
only (drop-down field)?

Thanks for the help.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

That's the whole idea of a protected form: users can enter data only where
you have provided form fields for them to do so. If you want a large
free-form area, insert section breaks around it and protect only the
sections containing form fields. To do this you have to use Tools | Protect
Document instead of the padlock button. You might want to read the forms
tutorials by Dian Chapman that are linked from


Hi Suzanne,

Thanks for your prompt response and help. The form I created is now working
perfectly. Likewise, the link (by Dian Chapman) that you sent is pretty much

Appreciate all of you (MVP volunters) for helping me and others who needs
your expertize.



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