After running a macro the first character, entered, is swallowed


Thomas Wiedmann


after running of any macro sometimes the first character, entered, is
swallowed in Word 2000 (on Windows XP SP3). Unfortunately I connot reproduce
the exact circumstances for this strange behaviour - therefore the
expression 'sometimes', but I can reproduce it on different computers.

What may be the reason for this strange behaviour;
how can this problem be resolved?

Thomas Wiedmann

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

We would have to see the code of the macro(s) to have any chance of helping
you. It sounds like perhaps the document does not have the focus after the
macro is run.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

Thomas Wiedmann

It sounds like perhaps the document does not have the focus after the
macro is run.

Which statement sets the focus on a document?

On which circumstances can a document loose its focus while running a macro
(only concerning the active document, i. e. no file transactions like open,
close or else)?

Thomas Wiedmann

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

To try and replicate the problem and perhaps find out what is causing it,
you would have to show us the code of the macro

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

Thomas Wiedmann

To try and replicate the problem and perhaps find out what is causing it,
you would have to show us the code of the macro

As mentioned it was difficult to track, which of my macros might have
influenced this strange behaviour, because it only happened sometimes. I
observed, that it occurs at all macros containing or even ending with a line
Application.StatusBar = "somewhat".

So I guess that that statement may be the cause, but why?
How to resolve or avoid that problem, that, after running those macros, the
first character sometimes is swallowed?

I just tried with "ActiveDocument.Activate" or "Application.Activate" as
last statement -> no change, same problem.

This behaviour doesn't occur with the same macros on Word 97, but on Word

Thomas Wiedmann

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