After Submit Clear Specified Fields Only


Luke Slotwinski

Using Infopath 2003 and JScript

I have built a form which submits to a MS Access DB.
I added two buttons: submit1 and submit2
submit1 works properly, it submits to DB and clears form.
submit2 i am trying to get to submit to DB and clear only specified fields
leaving others as defined before submit2 was triggered. I tried to use
XDocument.Submit() and then manually setting each field to "" via DOM
SelectSingleNode. What happends is that submit2 clears the fields properly
but then the next submit doesnt create a new row entry rather it updates the
first entry.
Basically I'm seeking to submit to DB then carry over certain values to a
new form. Thanks in advance,
Luke Slotwinski

Anuma(GGK Tech)


Are you using any field as Primary key in the table?
If you are using any field in the form as primary key, then refresh that
field also when you click on the “Submit2†button. So you can create the new

I hope this will help you.

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