Andrew Kennard was telling us:
Andrew Kennard nous racontait que :
Hi all
Word 2003 seems to have very few events to react upon ?
There is a BeforeSave but no "AfterSave"
I would likr to be able to copy the document to a folder when I 'flip
back' to my application (if it has changed)
Has anyone done anything similar ?
Intercept the Save and Save As commands with macros named like this:
Sub FileSave()
End Sub
Sub FileSaveAs()
End Sub
Use code to do the save, and then do what you want to do. No need of events,
and if you want this to be global event try with a template located in the
Start-up folder
Normally, I use a third sub that actually does the work:
Sub FileSave()
SaveEvent 1
End Sub
Sub FileSaveAs()
SaveEvent 2
End Sub
Sub SaveEvent(lngSaveType As Long)
If lngSaveType = 1 Then
'In fact, you need more code here in case the user cancels out of that
' you have to code accordingly
'See the VBA help file on Dialogs. Or do a Search in Google Groups,
'there are may example on how to do this
'If the document was not successfully saved with Save As:
Exit Sub
End if
'Do the stuff you want to do after the save here
End Sub
Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site: