AfterUpdate and LostFocus Events do not fire



.... when passed via tab key or even the last letter changed ...
I wanted to change whatever string the user may type into a control to a
capital first letter
I put the call to a module func into both the AfterUpdate and the LostFocus
event of the control

If Not IsNull(Me.TypModell) Then
TypeModel = Validation.fCapitalString(Me.TypeModel.Value)
End If

I cannot put it into the before update event as I can't write at that

I put a halt onto both events .... but somehow and sometimes they do not
want to react

two days ago all worked well .... both events were halted
Public Function fCapitalString(ByVal strInString As String) As String
Dim strOut, strFirst, strRest, strTmp, strAll As String
Dim j As Long
Dim arWords, i, n

If IsNull(strInString) Then Exit Function

n = InStr(1, strInString, "-")

If n = 0 Then
arWords = Split(strInString, " ")

strOut = ""
strTmp = strInString
i = UBound(arWords)

For j = 0 To i

strFirst = UCase(Left(arWords(j), 1))
strRest = Mid(arWords(j), 2)
If j = i Then
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest & " "
End If
Debug.Print strOut
arWords = Split(strInString, "-")

strOut = ""
strTmp = strInString
i = UBound(arWords)

For j = 0 To i

strFirst = UCase(Left(arWords(j), 1))
strRest = Mid(arWords(j), 2)
If j = i Then
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest & "-"
End If
Debug.Print strOut
End If
fCapitalString = strOut
End Function

maybe it has all to do with the moon ;-)

or perhaps my code and/or wrong events ??
maybe someone has an idea for me ??



Gina said:
... when passed via tab key or even the last letter changed ...
I wanted to change whatever string the user may type into a control to a
capital first letter
I put the call to a module func into both the AfterUpdate and the LostFocus
event of the control

If Not IsNull(Me.TypModell) Then
TypeModel = Validation.fCapitalString(Me.TypeModel.Value)
End If

I cannot put it into the before update event as I can't write at that

I put a halt onto both events .... but somehow and sometimes they do not
want to react

two days ago all worked well .... both events were halted
Public Function fCapitalString(ByVal strInString As String) As String
Dim strOut, strFirst, strRest, strTmp, strAll As String
Dim j As Long
Dim arWords, i, n

If IsNull(strInString) Then Exit Function

n = InStr(1, strInString, "-")

If n = 0 Then
arWords = Split(strInString, " ")

strOut = ""
strTmp = strInString
i = UBound(arWords)

For j = 0 To i

strFirst = UCase(Left(arWords(j), 1))
strRest = Mid(arWords(j), 2)
If j = i Then
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest & " "
End If
Debug.Print strOut
arWords = Split(strInString, "-")

strOut = ""
strTmp = strInString
i = UBound(arWords)

For j = 0 To i

strFirst = UCase(Left(arWords(j), 1))
strRest = Mid(arWords(j), 2)
If j = i Then
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest & "-"
End If
Debug.Print strOut
End If
fCapitalString = strOut
End Function

maybe it has all to do with the moon ;-)

or perhaps my code and/or wrong events ??
maybe someone has an idea for me ??


I think there is a typo: is it "TypModell" or "TypModel"?
If Not IsNull(Me.TypModell) Then
^^ two L's
TypeModel = Validation.fCapitalString(Me.TypeModel.Value) ^ one L
End If

I don't understand the "Validation" part. Try calling the function using:

TypeModel = fCapitalString(Me.TypeModel)

Also, I hope you don't mind... I modified your code a little. The code in the
second "IF..Else..End IF" was duplicated.

' *** begin code *******
Public Function fCapitalString(ByVal strInString As String) As String
Dim strOut As String, strFirst As String
Dim strRest As String, strTmp As String, strAll As String
Dim j As Long, i As Integer, n As Integer
Dim arWords()

If IsNull(strInString) Then Exit Function

n = InStr(1, strInString, "-")

If n = 0 Then
arWords = Split(strInString, " ")
arWords = Split(strInString, "-")
End If

' this was the same code
strOut = ""
strTmp = strInString
i = UBound(arWords)

For j = 0 To i

strFirst = UCase(Left(arWords(j), 1))
strRest = Mid(arWords(j), 2)
If j = i Then
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest
strOut = strOut & strFirst & strRest & " "
End If
Debug.Print strOut

fCapitalString = strOut
End Function
' ****** end code ****



thanks for your answer..and your
thanks for the modifications ... of course !!! good idea
I wasn't sure at the time how many different things (space , '-', '.' ) they
might input so it was still in testing version ...

well .... I was kind of very tired after about 20 hours at the pc yesterday
..... I am translating the names of my controls and ( if necessary) funktions
from german to english ... so it does make it easier for the english
speaking rest of the worls.- that was the reason for the misspelling

re the events not firing:
now I put the function call in the nextControlInTabOrder_GotFocus Event and
that way it does get executed for sure!!!
but it shouldn't be that way ... I am using access 2k german - maybe it
should learn a bit more english ;-)


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