Again - User cannot see projects through PWA


Anton Federkiewicz

I have asked this question before but haven't gotten any resolution.

One user and only one, cannot view projects through PWA. When he selects
the Projects heading, it bounces him right back to his home page.

Anybody have any ideas? I tried recreating his account and even bumped up
his privleges to administrator...nothing.


Has he definitely been assigned to tasks? Does he have remaining time on any
of the tasks he has been assigned to?


Anton -

Besides what you have stated, what other troubleshooting have you
tried? I would try these:

1. If you use Windows Authentication, change that user to Project
Server Authentication. Ask him to log in on his machine. Then ask him
to log in on another machine.

2. You should log in as him on your machine. What can you see or not
see? What does he see?

Have you checked all of the Category and Group settings appropriate to
that user to make sure that somehow, somewhere, Project Center was not
set to Deny? I don't think that's the case because the user would get
an error message, but just to be certain.

Also, in the User's configuration, make sure that there is no
configuration there.

Let us know.


Reid McTaggart

Two things worth trying:
1) check MDAC version on user's PC
2) delete and reinstall ActiveX components on user's PC

Anton Federkiewicz

I'll try to address everyone's questions at once.


I reinstalled MDAC and OWC10 on this guys computer. The problem follows him
to other computers.


We use the Novell Desktop Virus here so authentication via straight project
authentication is a nightmare. I have asked the user for his
password...violating all standards of security and I'll let you know what


All is right with the users account permissions as they are set to my own
administrative level. I also have checked and there are no deny permissions
set all.

Thanks everyone for your input. I guess that I need to really figure out
what is wrong by logging in as the user. Nobody elses account seeme to be
bugged like this.

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