Aging Date in General Templates Order Entry db



The receivables aging report (based on an SQL statement and a query) i
set to run based on Date(). I want to enter an aging date. Example
it is November 17 but I want to see the Aging report as of 10/31/03.
How can I change the SQL statement (or anything else) so that I ca
input the aging date I want. I tried replacing Date() with [Agin
Date] but it did not seem to work. Here is the SQL code as i
originally appears in the db:

Payments]),0)) AS [Current], Sum(IIf((Date()-[ShippedDate])<61 An
Payments]),0)) AS [31-60 Days], Sum(IIf((Date()-[ShippedDate])<91 An
Payments]),0)) AS [61-90 Days]
Payments]),0)) AS [91+Days]
Sum([LineTotal]*(1+[SalesTaxRate])+[Freight]-nz([Total Payments])) A
Balance, [Receivables Aging Report Query].Company FROM [Receivable
Aging Report Query] WHERE ((([Receivables Aging Repor
Query].ShippedDate) Is Not Null)) GROUP BY [Receivables Aging Repor
Query].Company HAVIN

Thank you for any help you can provide

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