Aha I now see the problem with Outlook 2003's rule "search in body"


George Hester

I started Outlook 2003 just a moment ago. I have a rule that looks like this:

It is named href and this is its definition:

Apply this rule after the message arrives with 'href' or 'http' or 'src' or 'HREF' or 'SRC' or 'IMG' or 'img' in the body and on this machine only move it to the temp folder

Now let's get one thing straight. All the munging of HTML in the world is NOT going to stop these HTML attributes of the <IMG tag or of the anchor tag <A from being explicitly written in the e-mal just as you see them here. You must understand a little HTML to understand why. I know they can be canonicalized but let's not get bogged down in details. If that is the case I'll say so right up front. OK? Let's accept the fact that is NOT the case in what I have found out.

Anyway 25 HTML spam was waiting for me when I opened Outlook 2003 and they almost all went off to the temp folder. Just as they should have. In other words the rule worked. But six did not. All HTML spam and ALL with crap like this:

<img border="0" src="http://www.%RND_URL/%RND_IMA"></a>

The point is NOT in the details. That is irrelevant. The fact is if the above rule WORKED this text in the body of the e-mail should have satisfied the hypothesis of the rule and have been sent off to the temp folder. BUT IT DID NOT.


Well I think I can answer that. It turns out that every e-mail that satisfied the hypotheses of the rule and that did NOT go to the temp folder had a subject similar to this:

Re: FXIPCSR, by that time

Again the answer is NOT in the details. The fact is all 6 that did NOT go the temp folder as they should have by virtue of satisfying the hypotheses of the rule, had subjects that began Re: EVERY ONE OF THEM. And NO exceptions. And no HTML spam with Re: beginning the subject was sent to the temp folder. None.

So there you go. One of the problems with Outlook 2003 Rules and HOW they can be fooled. Just send your HTML spam with a subject that begins Re: That will kill Outlook 2003 rules. At least this one.

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