I have a worksheet that I am trying to calculate the a rolling average
of the last 10 days of activity for manhours/tons of steel.
Each worksheet is 1 month of data
Row 1: I have days of the week
Row 2: I have the dates of the month
Row 3: Manhours for the day
Row 4: Tons of Steel
Row 5: Pieces of steel
column 1: Job numbers
column 2: Descripition of rows (manhours, Tons, pieces)
rest of columns are days/dates
again, I want to calculate the average of the last 10 dates of activity
on that job with comparision between manhours per ton, manhours per
piece, sum of total manhours, and to date manhours per ton.
If anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.
of the last 10 days of activity for manhours/tons of steel.
Each worksheet is 1 month of data
Row 1: I have days of the week
Row 2: I have the dates of the month
Row 3: Manhours for the day
Row 4: Tons of Steel
Row 5: Pieces of steel
column 1: Job numbers
column 2: Descripition of rows (manhours, Tons, pieces)
rest of columns are days/dates
again, I want to calculate the average of the last 10 dates of activity
on that job with comparision between manhours per ton, manhours per
piece, sum of total manhours, and to date manhours per ton.
If anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.