Michael S. Scherotter
Word 2007 Beta:
I have the following definition in my Ribbon Bar XML and the edit boxes are
not aligned horizontally. How can this be done?
<editBox id="FirstName" label="First Name" keytip="F"
onChange="FirstNameChanged" screentip="Enter your first name."
<editBox id="LastName" label="Last Name" keytip="L"
onChange="LastNameChanged" screentip="Enter your last name."
<editBox id="Company" label="Company" keytip="C"
onChange="CompanyChanged" screentip="Enter your company name."
sizeString="WWWWWWWWW" />
I have the following definition in my Ribbon Bar XML and the edit boxes are
not aligned horizontally. How can this be done?
<editBox id="FirstName" label="First Name" keytip="F"
onChange="FirstNameChanged" screentip="Enter your first name."
<editBox id="LastName" label="Last Name" keytip="L"
onChange="LastNameChanged" screentip="Enter your last name."
<editBox id="Company" label="Company" keytip="C"
onChange="CompanyChanged" screentip="Enter your company name."
sizeString="WWWWWWWWW" />