Align Line Charts By Milestone Dates?


Mike Hartsough

I'm a chart neophyte.

I have a worksheet with multiple line charts, each line depicting total
hours per month per project.

I would like to align the lines to a common milestone, like "start of
detailed design". Each project of course has a different date for this

Other than knowing that somewhere I'll have to specify the dates of the
milestone for each project, I have no idea of what to do.

Any help/insight will be appreciated.


Jon Peltier

Each data series has a column of dates and a column of percent complete
values. I'll use columns A and B in this example. Insert a couple rows so
that the headers are in A3 and B3 and the data starts in row 4. Insert a
column between A and B. In B1 enter the date of reference. In B3 enter a
header like 'Elapsed'. In B4 enter this formula


Format as a number (not a date) and drag to fill as much of column B as you
need. Select the data in B:C and create an XY chart (marker with line or
just line).

- Jon

Mike Hartsough


So B1 is my milestone date, the IF statement in the new column gives me my
"alignment" and my new common axis for the new charts.


Mike Hartsough


I've gotten your suggestion working fine, for each individual series.

But I'm running into trouble trying to "overlay" the series onto the same
chart. For one series the X axis (Elapsed) ranges from 29-425, and the range
for the other series is 176-572. The X axis ends up coming from whichever
series I add last.

How do I put these on a chart where the X axis is say, 0-600, and the series
lines begin and start on the appropriate "Elapsed" values?

Thanks again,

Jon Peltier

The X axis ends up coming from whichever series I add last.

Don't make a line chart, make an XY chart. In a line chart, all series share
the same X values, and the "numbers" are treated as nonnumeric labels.

- Jon

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