Align text on bar charts

  • Thread starter Disgrunted PPT user.
  • Start date

Disgrunted PPT user.

Will someone please tell me if there is a way to right align

I work extensively with bar charts and why is it that the good engineers of
powerpoint see fit to give us snazzy animations (that are absolutely
worthless to data crunchers like myself who use powerpoint more for reporting
than presenting) but cannot allow us to right align axis labels. I am using
office 2007 thinking that they have finally solved this problem. But no. I
right click on the axis, select the icon that looks like right align. But
what does it do but simply change the VERTICAL alignment.

Centered axis labels may look fine on column charts. But on bar charts,
they are butt ugly. I really do not like having to waste my time creating
separate text boxes for data labels (and having to resort them whenever I am
asked to resort the chart).

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