Louise Fortin
In WordPerfect I used to be able to select a word and align it right, even
though on the same line I may have had something aligned left.
In word if I have a word aligned center and a word next to it and I want to
align this second word to the right and I select it and click on align
right, BOTH words are align right, is there a way to do this just like in
WordPerfect, that is to have only the second word align right.
In WordPerfect I used to be able to select a word and align it right, even
though on the same line I may have had something aligned left.
In word if I have a word aligned center and a word next to it and I want to
align this second word to the right and I select it and click on align
right, BOTH words are align right, is there a way to do this just like in
WordPerfect, that is to have only the second word align right.