Aligning page numbers in a header


Variant Press

I'm trying to create a header with text that is centered, but I want
the page number to the extreme left. Using spaces seems kind of crude,
because when the page number gets to 10 and 100, it's no longer
consistent. I tried using a text box (beause it "floats") but it puts
a visible border around the numbers. Is there a way to do this?


Rob graham

Variant Press said:
I'm trying to create a header with text that is centered, but I want the
page number to the extreme left. Using spaces seems kind of crude, because
when the page number gets to 10 and 100, it's no longer consistent. I
tried using a text box (beause it "floats") but it puts a visible border
around the numbers. Is there a way to do this?


Use tabs as you would if it were not a header/footer.

Rob Graham


i'd use tabs
but if you really want to use a text box, click on its border til it
shows as cross hatched, then go to Edit, Text Box, and select no fill
and no line. now there is no visible border.


Variant said:
I'm trying to create a header with text that is centered, but I want
the page number to the extreme left. Using spaces seems kind of crude,
because when the page number gets to 10 and 100, it's no longer
consistent. I tried using a text box (beause it "floats") but it puts
a visible border around the numbers. Is there a way to do this?


I use a simple table in a header or footer to achieve this.
Create a three celled table. Add the text in the middle cell as required
and align it as centered. In the left cell add the page number(s) and align
left. Presto perfect alignment. You may have to drag the borders of the
middle table if the text doesn't fit but it still looks better than the
other options I have used.
(You can also with your table options you can remove or add lines as

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