All appointment times moved by 1 hour


David A

Using windows NT server
Workstation unsing XP
OPened calender to find that all appointments past and
future had moved to 1 hour later.
No change to timezone initiated
Workstation and server clocks showing correct time.

Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]

Check your time zone and daylight saving time settings in both Windows
and Outlook. Usually the problem you describe occurs when there's a
time change of some kind -- Outlook takes it upon itself to move the
appointment times. It's a little complicated to fix it, but you can use
one of the methods described in the following two MSKB articles to help
you fix it.

Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]

Using windows NT server
Workstation unsing XP
OPened calender to find that all appointments past and
future had moved to 1 hour later.
No change to timezone initiated
Workstation and server clocks showing correct time.

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