Denise, here is one way
Sub TextConvert()
'By Ivan F Moala
'will change the text that you have selected,
'if no text is selected it will change the whole sheet
Dim ocell As Range
Dim Ans As String
Ans = Application.InputBox("Type in Letter" & vbCr & _
"(L)owercase, (U)ppercase, (S)entence, (T)itles ")
If Ans = "" Then Exit Sub
For Each ocell In Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 2)
Select Case UCase(Ans)
Case "L": ocell = LCase(ocell.Text)
Case "U": ocell = UCase(ocell.Text)
Case "S": ocell = UCase(Left(ocell.Text, 1)) & _
LCase(Right(ocell.Text, Len(ocell.Text) - 1))
Case "T": ocell = Application.WorksheetFunction.Proper(ocell.Text)
End Select
End Sub
Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
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Using Excel 2000 & 2003
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